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STARRDAM seeks to provide protective security advice to our customers in terms of:

Understanding the threat – understanding the security threats posed by UAS in NIGERIA and how they are likely to evolve.

Understanding protective security solutions – supporting customers in mitigating the security risks posed by UAS through a comprehensive understanding of the protective security solutions (e.g. operational response procedures, the use of CUAS technology).

Advice delivery – providing guidance, training, and one-to-one protective security technical advice to support our customers in mitigating the security risks posed by UAS.

Starrdam Working in partnership

The identification and involvement of both internal and external stakeholders in the development of the security strategy and plan are very important.

Internal stakeholders must be involved in the development of the security solution to ensure they are able to provide support and buy-in at every stage.

As with all matters relating to security and policing, the relationships with the police are key. The contact may be with either the local police or those specifically tasked with providing policing to certain sites. This engagement may provide support: in developing an understanding of the risk to the site, provision of guidance in relation to the mitigation of the identified risk, and the development of the overall plan.

Reducing negligent and reckless use and deterring hostile activity

The number of incidents caused by reckless/negligent can be reduced by introducing a range of mitigations. These can be tailored to meet your site’s needs and may include a mix of the following elements:

  • Local business and community engagement
  • Security minded communications
  • Airspace restrictions and geo-fencing

Physical hardening
Straightforward and less expensive measures to mitigate the risk of negligent and reckless use should be adopted at the first opportunity. Other more complex measures such as creating physical barriers may need to be considered when a higher level of risk has been identified.

Physical security measures can be taken to help protect the asset, through for example concealment, disguise, preventing physical access, or hardening. Consideration should be given to making launch sites in the immediate vicinity of key assets less appealing by introducing cover from view, adding lighting, and controlling or restricting access.