Government Infrastructure Security

National or governmental infrastructure is considered vital to home country operations. Not only is infrastructure fundamental in the delivery of essential services; but the personnel within such infrastructure are also vital within this complex network.

A compromise of such services and personnel could result in a significant impact on national security, national defense services, the functioning of the state, and ultimately, prosperity.

Whether an asset is located within a home territory or is an international asset or personnel, the strategy of defense-in-depth can be utilized to protect the vulnerable components of the infrastructure and the wider perimeter.

When embarking on a physical security scheme (Perimeter Guarding / Border patrol Security), it is important that the risks and vulnerabilities, unique to each site are thoroughly understood.


Defence-in-depth is a well-recognized strategy intended to delay and slow the advances of threats, buying time to detect and mitigate.

In Nigeria, there are 9 Critical National Infrastructure sectors:

  • Crude Oil
  • Communications
  • Defense
  • Emergency Services
  • Energy/Power
  • Finance (CBN)
  • Government Offices
  • Transport (Airport, Rail)
  • Port

NIGERIA’s Critical Infrastructure is defined by the NIGERIA government as:

“Those critical elements of Infrastructure (facilities, systems, sites, property, information, people, networks and processes), the loss or compromise of which would result in major detrimental impact on the availability, delivery or integrity of essential services, leading to severe economic or social consequences or to loss of life.”